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[网站设计]东莞市达渤W Display电子科技有限公司网站正式上线

 [网站设计]东莞市达渤W Display电子科技有限公司网站正式上线!
外贸网站案例w dis

东莞市达渤电子科技有限公司自二OO四年成立至今,始终坚持以技术为先导,品质为主导,服务为根本的经营理念,致力于在液晶及其相关行业,向中国的广大制造企业提供全世界最先进的液晶产品,技术支持和售后服务。我们公司集技术、贸易为一体 ,采用多渠道,多品种,多应用的运行模式,构建了液晶产品的立体架构,经过数年的打拚,已经在业界树立起良好的口碑和威望。


Founded by a team of average more than 8 years experienced and passionate specialists in small-to-medium-sized Flat Panel Displays (TN/STN LCD & LCM, and OLED, TFT, VFD), W Display Technologies Co., Ltd. offers complete solutions in design, manufacturing, quality assurance, and engineering support for a wide range of applications as follows: 

- Automotive
- Telecommunications
- Medical Devices
- Home Appliances
- Industrial Equipment
- Consumer Electronics

With its production base having been granted both ISO9001 and ISO/TS16949, W Display Technologies is committed to providing our customers high quality standards for all of our products and services. All our products are full compliance with RoHS and services are provided by our engineers with clear mindset of ensuring total customer satisfactions.  

We serve our esteemed customers around the world through our global service networks and will continue to strive to become your great partner in the World of Display! 

Knowing by heart that we are standing in a custom-designed industry, W Display Technologies strives to provide a complete value chain, aiming to deliver a just-in-time quality service linkage starting from listening, product design, supply chain management, manufacturing control, quality assurance, and logistics service 
Quality First  
Quality First is W Display Technologies’ philosophy of quality and a framework for earning our customers’ trust in the Flat Panel Display business, an industry where quality is simply non-negotiable but to be carried out with the heart of care and the sincerity of listening. It is our duty to place quality of our products and services as top priority in order to help our customers achieve their business objectives.  

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